I won't give up

 I don't wanna be someone who walks away so easily
I'm here to stay and make the difference that i can make
Our differences they do a lot to teach us how to use the tools and gifts
We got yeah we got a lot at stake
And in the end, you're still my friend at least we did intend
For us to work we didn't break, we didn't burn
We had to learn, how to bend without the world caving in
I had to learn what i got, and what i'm not
And who I am

But u will always be my hero, even if u've lost ur mind

i'm not saying i hate her, i just hope she gets fingered by wolverine 

Always thought about flyin' away

Let's dance

Ich hatte am Samstag Abschlussball, mit allem drum und dran, der eskalation wenn es um die frisur geht, dem eröffnungs tanz und dem moment in dem du realisierst das dein Tanzpartner was getrunken hat und nicht mehr tanzen wird:D
es war traotzdem ein unvergesslicher Abend und ich denke ich werde den Ergänzungskurs auch noch machen!
Euch noch einen schönen Sonntag abend♥